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RIP to a real one...

ok i found a looping bug in this game, when takin multiple walters "candy" at home it forces it in a loop state


It's sad this game is dead. It was fun


Changing shoes  when you have hit 

High heels: 100/100 

and still can not change out of the basic starter shoes.

click the shoes you are wearing, and drag them to the same spot on the bar of your new shoes. That's what worked for me.

Hope it helps :)

Didn't work for me, but I'm trying it on my phone

how do I meet rose

first meet will be with tim, then rose will be from Home, to City center, but you have to see her in the later afternoon past 15:00 


Do you have any info on when the next update will be ?

could you update the download version of this game?

Is this all just M/M content?


I feel like I broke something? I did the first bit of shoe training and they said to get higher heels, but now I cant put any shoes on at all. If I remove the ones im currently wearing I cant even put them back on?

(1 edit)

i think theres no image in some scenes, the scenes a like this:


(weird space that may should have image but nothing appear)


(1 edit) (+1)

got my heels skill at maximum value and yet for some reason I can't equip new higher heels, and when I take my current heals of and try putting them back on the game say's I can't wear them even though they're basic level heels... what's up with that!?

Deleted post

Why can't I equip heels? I maxed out the skill 

I don't understand what I'm supposed to do after the crossdressing therapy session. I've gotten up to level 40 and nothing else is unlocking.

Higher levels only unlock a few areas, some content is related to the story progression. Check the mission tab if you have any ongoing quest, or there's an upgrade you can buy in the computer that shows hints in some areas of the game which can help progress. But you might have also reached the current end of the content which is a session with the therapist about a dream the player had.

ohhh, yeah, haven't gotten those nerveware, right.


oh, speaking of things that cost money, shouldn't the stocks pay the player?


I can't get to the therapist. I am on day 21. I looked in the Town Centre, I looked everywhere on Level 0 and on Level 1. I am so frustrated because there is no guidance on where to find her, just "go to the therapist at 2pm on a Wednesday." At least when I needed to buy a plug there was the hint to talk to a friend, meaning Timmy. With this there is nothing. I tried talking to Timmy at 2pm on a Wednesday, I tried talking to Scarlet at 2pm on a Wednesday. But no therapist.

Sorry it might be confusing as the link only shows up when conditions are met. You can go to her from your room but you might need to take a nap to get 2pm on a Wednesday and then the link should show. If it's still missing I might need a save file to figure out the problem. I also check the code later to see if I might find the cause there.


How do I get new heels over 2 inches for rose? I'm stuck

If you're in the middle of the quest (meeting Rose with Timmy) there you can buy the first pair to progress. After that you can train with Rose several times to reach the next level, you could wear 3 inch max after that but right now the only heels you can buy are 2 inches, I'll add new ones in the future.

But where to buy high heels ... when they're nowhere? Like the missing thong ...

Point taken, I forgot to add the heels to the clothing shop that'll be there next version. Thongs weren't added originally, but I also added those so they will be available too.

Until then the only possible way to progress in the story should require the player to buy high heels during their quest when they visit a shop with Rose. They must buy at least one pair before they can move further so that's the only way of getting shoes at the moment.

Thanks! I was looking for Rose, but also unsuccessfully :-(

(I think the best solution for me would be to restart the game and try again...)

When's the next update

Around 10 days or maybe a few days sooner, depends on how much I can get done until then.

Deleted 1 year ago

For betas there'll be another passive income option in the future, otherwise both classes can sell candies if they speak with Walter. The best option of course is to just fulfill Scarlett's requests then she won't leech off your money. I do plan to add more money options just there weren't enough items yet, I thought the daily allowance would be enough to spend for now.

Deleted 1 year ago

how do you get "more daring"


This was an infuriating experience.

This author only allows two options, one subjects the main character to a sissification process that forcibly turns a straight male virgin into a feminized gay bottom, and in the other the player character remains straight but the game railroads them onto the route of a scheming sex criminal.

You cannot play a female character, a bisexual of either gender, a straight male submissive or a vanilla straight male either. You can't even play a gay man who was already gay rather than being railroaded into transforming to a gay man.

Leaving aside the horribly problematic message this sends about men, the game does nothing in its content warnings nor its description to let prospective players know that the game is targeted towards a very narrow niche in terms of sex appeal. Instead it merely bills itself as erotic cyberpunk science fiction, and doesn't reveal the narrow focus of its sexual subject matter until it railroads the player into it.

Do better.


I appreciate the feedback although I'd make a counter offer to some of the points.

Both storylines start with an element of blackmailing, I figured this was a clear indication of what's to come. But it's a fair point that a more concise warning could be appropriate.

I don't consider the blackmailing to be a statement about men in general, only two characters do this in the story: the player, and the main antagonist. This way if you feel bad for the way Scarlett treats your character as a beta, you can turn that back around her by going the other route (or the other way) - a kind of karmic justice. 

Regarding the freedom of choice, this game is very early in development. Originally I had a female start included in the intro but had to cut it becaues it wasn't feasable to start out with so many options. Sure this is limiting but I can have a few longer storylines (which are still quite short) or just a couple disjointed ones. Giving options unfortunately increases the workload for every scene, if I have to write 6-7 different versions of a scene I just end up not pleasing anyone because I won't be able to make enough playable content.

Also this is the intro, I'm kind of indulging myself with the storyline, it just didn't feel right to have a blank character that can go anyway with no backstory. These will reach a conclusion sooner or later and then I'll open up the world and with more freedom to customize the characters further - with an option to skip the storyline. But this is still in the future.


Alright, I accept that you didn't mean it to come across that way. Unfortunate implications happen. I'm not going to act like one of those "death of the author" meta-analysts who insist that authorial intentions mean nothing. On the other hand, I hope it's helpful to you to be made aware that my mistaken interpretation is possible from the content and that you'll do what you can to avoid giving such a false impression --if nothing else to avoid mistakenly alienating people from what has the potential to be a great and successful game.

To start, I would suggest that you find other terms to use than "Alpha" and "Beta" because those are used in some extremely toxic gender war philosophies by misogynists and misandrists alike. On the misogynist side is the PUA crowd (and their legions of moronic followers) who use Alpha and Beta interchangeably with "chad" and "simp" in a framework that states that either you treat women like shit and screw them over by any means possible aka "run game on them" to have any sexual or romantic success, or you treat them with caring and compassion and get walked all over, taken for everything you're worth, and get nothing in return. On the misandrist side you have women who have bought into a similar framework and claim there are two types of men, masculine men who are inherently abusive rapacious predators and those who reject masculinity and thus are safe to be around.

A lot of this will go away when you're able to introduce more routes, which I was unaware that you had planned. It's unlucky that the two routes you've had time to introduce so far coincidentally line up with the gender war stereotypes of male nature, and even one more option will probably defuse much if not most of that.

In particular, a path where you're able to play a hetero male that isn't railroaded into becoming a sex criminal and actually respects lines of consent while still very much desiring to have sex with willing women would be ideal as a middle ground between the two extremes currently being presented. It would send a signal that those two extremes do NOT represent men as a whole and are not intended to make a statement about the inherent nature of the male gender, they're just two options on a spectrum that will be filled in further later in development.

Thank you for the polite reply, and for clarifying your intentions. I really feel a lot better about where you're going with this now that I know more of what you intend the future of the game to look like.


what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

Hello, I got a problem after the third mission, It says that there is a new mail but no new mail is found

Please help, this game is interesting (but a little broken)


Hey, the new email problem is just visual, I've fixed it and will get it online with the next version.

Oh ok, thanks for the info

Any chance for some changelogs?

Hey, I have a button in the sidebar for changelogs in-game, or are you thinking of devlogs? ones. Since I can't open in browser (in Itch), but mostly to just have a peek in to whats new and if I get a feel if its worth coming back now or later (Really like the game, but i binge so fast i run out of stuff fast xD)

I hear ya, I'll add the changes to with the next update. Content is also kinda easy to binge as there's not much of it yet :P

(1 edit)

Mission 3 is still blue but 3 and 4 already show as green? I think I got bugged - save

i cant figure out how to get to the therapist


impossible to get beta quest 4


If you visit the "Missions" in the sidebar, do you see Homework#3 listed as green? Quest 4 should be available automatically once you finish that. If it's there and you still can't start when visiting Scarlett could you share a save file with me and I'll look into it?


Not OP, but I also got the same error. Here's the link to the save file

I'm having the same problem too.  My computer says I have a new email, but it only has the first two there.

same here , do you still need a save ? or you already have v3hemenc3 's one 

It tells me the file was deleted so if you could send me one it'd help too, thanks!

I'm having the same issue that it says I have a new email but none display when I open my emails all I have are the first two.

here is the file and a mirror if first link stop working

Got a save file and found the problem. Quest 4 is available only after on day 8 and onwards which was unintended. For now just sleep until day 8, in another version I'll remove this limit.

well, clicking get hard candy not only doesn't get me hard candy, it also gives me 8 credits instead of taking them awa

It is promising but since I only use mobile (I'm assuming that's where this problem comes from) I cannot put the panties on at the start

This game looks promising, but I've received some errors and bugs that made me stuck in the setting or inventory menu

fun but it breaks really easy

Twice now I've run out of energy and could go home for the day.

fun game but i got stuck